Using web services, authentication and message representation format

After enabling web services for your company, you'll be given a unique company identification and authentication token. For every API request you send, you'll need to present the following:

API method request can be sent using HTTP POST as shown in the following example:

POST /WebServicesSI/API HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="micka" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="07D316568AC3441F89981C68A30370A8" />
<method name="WarehouseGetArticleStockQuantity">
  <parameter name="warehouseCode" value="01" />
  <parameter name="stockDate" type="Date" value="2009-01-01" />
  <parameter name="productCode" type="String" value="123" />

To generate MD5 password hash you can use the following command on Linux:

# echo -n "MICKAkovac" | md5sum

or you can use online generator:

In the example above MD5 password hash is generated for user with username micka (has to be in uppercase) and password kovac (exact case as it is set).

Actual web services token for the company can be found or generated in the menu |Settings |Company settings |Web services - API

The web services have limit of maximum 4 requests in 4s from one client user account. This means that 4 requests can be sent within 4 seconds, in case 4 were sent in 1 second, it is then necessary to wait 3 seconds, or just send request every second. There is also delay functionality for sending responses, so if you wait for each response before sending another request, there is no need for delay implementation on client side.


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