General Ledger API

1.1 GeneralLedgerGetAccountBalance

Get account balance from the general ledger.


fiscalYearSelect fiscal year (business year). Fiscal year which is set as default will be used if absent from the request.
accountNumberGeneral ledger account number
partnerCodeIf partner code is specified the balance will be calculated for that partner with only.
voucherStatusGeneral ledger journal voucher status of entries used in balance calculation. Possible values are:
  • all  Include open and posted vouchers/entries when calculating the balance. This is the default parameter value.
  • open  Include only open vouchers.
  • posted  Include only posted vouchers.
balanceDateThe date of the balance returned.
costPositionCost center code.

Example request and response

Example 1.

POST /WebServicesHR/API HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="ivan" md5pass="8b29582ce0a1c85dc0c574d218acb900" token="649026C063054A139549200F3C9D01C6" />
<method name="GeneralLedgerGetAccountBalance">
  <parameter name="fiscalYear" value="2014" />
  <parameter name="balanceDate" type="Date" value="2004-01-31" />
  <parameter name="accountNumber" type="String" value="1200" />
  <parameter name="partnerCode" type="String" value="003" />
  <parameter name="voucherStatus" type="String" value="all" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: web server
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2009 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">
       <AccountBalance accountNumber="1200" partnerCode="003" balanceCredit="11.00" balanceDebit="12.00" balance="-1.0" currency="EUR">

1.2 GeneralLedgerAccountStatementGetEntries

Get general ledger account statement entries.


businessYearSelect business year. Business year which is set as default will be used if not specified.
accountNumberGeneral ledger account number.
partnerCodeIf partner code is specified, only entries assigned to the given partner will be returned.
documentIf document ID is specified, the statement will include only entries assigned to the given document. Document string can containt the * (star) character to match entries where document Id matches the search string.
transactionDateFromEntries for transactions from the given date
transactionDateToEntries for transactions up to the given date
documentDateFromEntries for document from date
documentDateToEntries for documents up to given date
dueDateFromEntry due date from
dueDateToEntry due date to
postingDateFromEntry posting date from
postingDateToEntry posting date to
transactionAmountFilter out entries matching approximate transaction amount. If currency parameter is also specified, then the amount will be matched with the entry amount in the foreign currency.
transactionCurrencyUse this criteria when you need to filter out transaction originating in a foreign currency
costCentreFilter out entries on the given cost centre. Character * (star) can be used for matching multiple cost center codes
descriptionFilter out entries matching description (* character can be used)
creditOrDebitOptional to filter out only debit or credit transactions. Possible values are:
  • debit  Only debit transactions
  • credit  Only credit transaction
voucherStatusOptional to limit list to entries depending on the GL journal voucher status. Possible values are:
  • all  Include open and posted vouchers/entries when calculating the balance. This is the default parameter value.
  • open  Include only open vouchers.
  • posted  Include only posted vouchers.
entryStatusOptional to specify entry status regarding document payment status. Possible values are:
  • open  list open items only
  • cleared  list cleared entries only

Example request and response

Example 1.
POST /WebServicesSI/API HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="micka" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="GeneralLedgerAccountStatementGetEntries">
  <parameter name="businessYear" value="2018" />
  <parameter name="documentDateFrom" type="Date" value="2018-01-31" />
  <parameter name="documentDateTo" type="Date" value="2018-02-28" />
  <parameter name="accountNumber" type="String" value="1200" />
  <parameter name="partnerCode" type="String" value="003" />
  <parameter name="transactionAmount" type="Decimal" value="50.00" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: web server
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2009 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">
               <description>KBM-Infond, družba za upravljanje d.o.o.</description>
               <partner>KBM-Infond, družba za upravljanje d.o.o.</partner>
               <description>KBM-Infond, družba za upravljanje d.o.o.</description>
               <partner>KBM-Infond, družba za upravljanje d.o.o.</partner>
               <description>KBM-Infond, družba za upravljanje d.o.o.</description>
               <partner>KBM-Infond, družba za upravljanje d.o.o.</partner>


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