API for sending document in public procurement to FINA.

GetFinaReceiverListGet possible receivers from FINA for e-invoice in public procurement. This data is needed to send a document to a desired receiver.
SendDocumentToFinaSend an existing invoice in public procurement to FINA. You will need companyID and partyIdentificationID from the receiver registry in order to send the invoice.
GetDocumentStatusFromFinaRetrieve the status of an already sent document to FINA.

1.1 GetFinaReceiverList

Get possible receivers from FINA for invoice in public procurement. You can filter all by not sending any parameters or single out a desired receiver. Invoices can be sent only to buyers that exist in this registry.

Request parameters

statusFilter ACTIVE or INACTIVE receivers. Parameter is optional.
companyIDcompanyID of the receiver (OIB in HR). Parameter is optional.
partyIdentificationIDReceiver unique identifier which includes also the business unit code. This is like an electronic receiver address that will be needed for sending a document to FINA. For filtering receivers this parameter is optional.
registrationNameRegistration name of the company. Parameter is optional.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesHR/API HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
       <login username="admin" md5pass="d2cc342653e944df15923698c6bdd1ac" token="A73A6E565E0842B8AE67B6D52BE8F2A0" />
       <method name="GetFinaReceiverList">
               <parameter name="status" value="ACTIVE"/>                       <!-- Optional -->
               <parameter name="companyID" value="28921383001"/>       <!-- Optional -->
               <!-- <parameter name="partyIdentificationID" value="9934:28921383001::HR99:06"/> -->                                    <!-- Optional -->
               <!-- <parameter name="registrationName" value="HRVATSKE VODE, PRAVNA OSOBA ZA UPRAVLJANJE VODAMA"/> --> <!-- Optional -->


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">
                       <addressLine>MEĐIMURSKA ULICA 26B, 42000, VARAŽDIN</addressLine>
                       <businessBranchName>VODNOGOSPODARSKI ODJEL ZA MURU I GOPRNJU DRAVU</businessBranchName>
                       <country>REPUBLIKA HRVATSKA</country>
                       <registrationName>HRVATSKE VODE, PRAVNA OSOBA ZA UPRAVLJANJE VODAMA</registrationName>
                       <streetName>MEĐIMURSKA ULICA 26B</streetName>
                       <addressLine>VUKOVARSKA 35, 21000, SPLIT</addressLine>
                       <businessBranchName>VODNOGOSPODARSKI ODJEL ZA SLIVOVE JUŽNOG JADRANA</businessBranchName>
                       <country>REPUBLIKA HRVATSKA</country>
                       <registrationName>HRVATSKE VODE, PRAVNA OSOBA ZA UPRAVLJANJE VODAMA</registrationName>
                       <streetName>VUKOVARSKA 35</streetName>
                       <addressLine>ĐURE ŠPORERA 3, 51000, RIJEKA</addressLine>
                       <businessBranchName>VODNOGOSPODARSKI ODJEL ZA SLIVOVE SJEVERNOG JADRANA</businessBranchName>
                       <country>REPUBLIKA HRVATSKA</country>
                       <registrationName>HRVATSKE VODE, PRAVNA OSOBA ZA UPRAVLJANJE VODAMA</registrationName>
                       <streetName>ĐURE ŠPORERA 3</streetName>
                       <addressLine>SPLAVARSKA 2A, 31000, OSIJEK</addressLine>
                       <businessBranchName>VODNOGOSPODARSKI ODJEL ZA DUNAV I DONJU DRAVU</businessBranchName>
                       <country>REPUBLIKA HRVATSKA</country>
                       <registrationName>HRVATSKE VODE, PRAVNA OSOBA ZA UPRAVLJANJE VODAMA</registrationName>
                       <streetName>SPLAVARSKA 2A</streetName>
                       <addressLine>ŠETALIŠTE BRAĆE RADIĆA 22, 35000, SLAVONSKI BROD</addressLine>
                       <businessBranchName>VODNOGOSPODARSKI ODJEL ZA SREDNJU I DONJU SAVU</businessBranchName>
                       <cityName>SLAVONSKI BROD</cityName>
                       <country>REPUBLIKA HRVATSKA</country>
                       <registrationName>HRVATSKE VODE, PRAVNA OSOBA ZA UPRAVLJANJE VODAMA</registrationName>
                       <streetName>ŠETALIŠTE BRAĆE RADIĆA 22</streetName>
                       <addressLine>ULICA GRADA VUKOVARA 220, 10000, ZAGREB</addressLine>
                       <country>REPUBLIKA HRVATSKA</country>
                       <registrationName>HRVATSKE VODE, PRAVNA OSOBA ZA UPRAVLJANJE VODAMA</registrationName>
                       <streetName>ULICA GRADA VUKOVARA 220</streetName>
                       <addressLine>ULICA GRADA VUKOVARA 271, 10000, ZAGREB</addressLine>
                       <businessBranchName>VODNOGOSPODARSKI ODJEL ZA GORNJU SAVU</businessBranchName>
                       <country>REPUBLIKA HRVATSKA</country>
                       <registrationName>HRVATSKE VODE, PRAVNA OSOBA ZA UPRAVLJANJE VODAMA</registrationName>
                       <streetName>ULICA GRADA VUKOVARA 271</streetName>

1.2 SendDocumentToFina

Send an existing invoice in public procurement to FINA.

To be able to send a document, you will need receiver data that you can retrieve by using GetFinaReceiverList method.

Request Parameters

documentParameter that holds document data. Mandatory data.
sendWithAttachmentsPossible values are "true" or "false". If set to true all user added attachments will be sent with the document. Optional data.
companyIDcompanyID of the receiver. Mandatory data.
partyIdentificationIDpartyIdentificationID of the receiver. Mandatory data.

Parameter document holds mandatory data:

typeDocument type. Supported values are SalesInvoice, AdvanceInvoice, CreditNote.
numberFull number of the document.
yearYear of the document.

Response values

StatusCode values are:

documentSentDocument was sent to FINA.
documentDeliveryFailedDocument was not sent due to problems.
documentDeliveryConfirmedDocument delivery was confirmed.
documentReceivalConfirmedDocument receival was confirmed.
documentRejectedByReceiverDocument was rejected by receiver.
documentRejectedByGatewayDocument was rejected by gateway.

SendingTransactionID > is a unique identifier of the sent document that was assigned and returned by FINA upon receival.
SendingResultMessage > is an additional message that holds an description. For instance if an error occurs its description will be added to this message.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesHR/API HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
       <login username="admin" md5pass="d2cc342653e944df15923698c6bdd1ac" token="A73A6E565E0842B8AE67B6D52BE8F2A0" />
       <method name="SendDocumentToFina">
               <parameter name="document">                     <!-- Mandatory -->
                       <type>SalesInvoice</type>               <!-- Mandatory -->
                       <number>141/0001/191</number>   <!-- Mandatory -->
                       <year>2019</year>                               <!-- Mandatory -->
               <parameter name="sendWithAttachments" value="true"/>                            <!-- Optional -->
               <parameter name="companyID" value="87311810356"/>                                       <!-- Mandatory -->
               <parameter name="partyIdentificationID" value="9934:87311810356"/>      <!-- Mandatory -->


<response status="ok">
               <MsgText>Document was sent.</MsgText>

In case the document was already sent to FINA:

<response status="ok">
               <MsgText>Document was already sent to FINA.</MsgText>

In case of an error:

<response status="ok">
               <MsgText>Document delivery failed.</MsgText>
                       <SendingResultMessage>eFINA - Sistemska greška na strani web servisa!</SendingResultMessage>

<response status="error">
       <error description="Document with requested parameters does not exist."></error>

1.3 GetDocumentStatusFromFina

Retrieves the status of an already sent document.

Request Parameters

documentParameter that holds document data. Mandatory data.

Parameter document holds mandatory data:

typeDocument type. Supported values are SalesInvoice, AdvanceInvoice, CreditNote.
numberFull number of the document.
yearYear of the document.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesHR/API HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
       <login username="admin" md5pass="d2cc342653e944df15923698c6bdd1ac" token="A73A6E565E0842B8AE67B6D52BE8F2A0" />
       <method name="GetDocumentStatusFromFina">
               <parameter name="document">                     <!-- Mandatory -->
                       <type>SalesInvoice</type>               <!-- Mandatory -->
                       <number>141/0001/191</number>   <!-- Mandatory -->
                       <year>2019</year>                               <!-- Mandatory -->


<response status="ok">
               <MsgText>Document was sent.</MsgText>


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